Katherine McClintic

Katherine McClintic

Software Engineer

Arrays and Hashes


What are they and when should I use them?

Arrays and hashes are two ways that Ruby has of collecting and storing data. This blog post will examine them individually and provide some guidance about deciding which one to use.


Arrays are used to store a list of values, whether numbers or not. Each element in the array has what is called an index, which functions as a key to that particular element. The first element is assigned: 0, the next: 1, and so on.

Vegetable Array

You can create an array using literal notation, used above, and array constructor notation, demonstrated below.

Array Constructor


A hash is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key is unique and is associated with a value. These values can be repeated so that different keys share the same value, but keys cannot be duplicated.

Vegetable Hash

The two most common ways of constructing hashes are hash literal notation, used above, and hash constructor notation, demonstrated below.

Hash Constructor

How to Choose

Arrays are good for storing values when the key is not important. It's also more efficient to access array elements. Hashes on the other hand are a bit more flexible. The deciding factor in determining which one to use is to figure out if your data needs two specific values bound together (as in hashes), or if just a list of values is fine (as in arrays.)

Grades Array and Hash

Hashes and arrays can be used in a much more complex manner than discussed here, but hopefully this has been a useful introduction into how to use the two.